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Today, I choose Joy!

Today I sit in pure joy, not because something specifically happened or because I got something new but because I am choosing to live a life free from anything that is not of God. It is God's desire for us to live a full, wholesome life and while we are here on earth he wants to bless us in way that will attract others. This attraction is not for us to "show off" of become conceited but this attraction is for us to turn around and give all the glory, honor, and praise to God! If we are to come out and become separate, we are to live a life holy and pleasing to God. We are not to do the things of the world and are not to handle situations as the world does. I am so thankful that I am learning these tools because they are allowing me to step into a new level of freedom. Once upon a time I was a worry addict and this is not to say that I don't fall into thoughts of worry moreover this new level has allowed me to realize when I am slipping into a worry state to say over my thoughts what the word of God tells me. Gods word tells me "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7). As a believer in Christ Jesus I am to come out (of the world and from my own sinful nature and desires) and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17), I am to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5 13-16). How I can use my God given gifts and talents to inspire, encourage, uplift, motivate, and lead others to Christ if I indulge in the same ways as sinners? My light will dim and I will not be fulfilling my calling which is to draw others to God so their souls may be saved. You too can start this transformation, start small but start. Pick a quote or a scripture and begin to learn and study it day in and day out, put it into practice and you will begin to see a #shift. Today I sit in pure joy knowing that God's word is true because I believe it to be true and have seen it play out in my life and in others lives. May this encourage you to read God's word and begin to declare it over your life. As I write to encourage, motivate, and inspire you, I write to remind myself, sustain myself, and encourage me.

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